Monday 28 December 2015

Chocolate Cakes Recipes Recipe For Carrot Banana Vanilla Sponge Carrot Fruit Cake Photos

Chocolate Cakes Recipes Biography

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In 1736, Francesco Arisi (aka "Francisco Arisi", aka Franciscus Arisius"), 1657 - 1743, complained in his poem "Il cioccolato" that chocolate was appearing everywhere in cooking, even in cakes.

Up until the mid-1800s, "chocolate cake" meant something like "coffee cake" does today -- a cake to go with a chocolate drink. There was no chocolate in or on the cake (see Mary Randolph recipe below.) By the mid-1800s, "chocolate cake" could be either a cake with chocolate in it, or a cake of another flavour with chocolate icing on it. This became possible as the price of chocolate fell to be in reach of ordinary people.

The invention of cocoa in 1828 in the Netherlands, and its increasing availability in the UK and in America over the next few decades, helped make chocolate more affordable, and easy to use.

By the end of the 1800s, recipes began to compete with each other to be the richest, most luxurious chocolate cake, and Devil's Food Cake emerged, which had up to twice the amount of chocolate in it than other chocolate cake recipes did at the time. Sarah Tyson Rorer, in her 1902 "Mrs. Rorer's New Cook Book", calls for 4 oz of chocolate in her Devil's Food Cake, and only 2 oz in her "Chocolate Loaf Cake."

In the U.S., "chocolate decadence" cakes were popular in the 1980s; in the 1990s, single-serving molten chocolate cakes with liquid chocolate centers and infused chocolates with exotic flavors such as tea, curry, red pepper, passion fruit, and champagne were popular. Chocolate lounges and artisanal chocolate makers were popular in the 2000s.Rich, flourless, all-but-flourless chocolate cakes are "now standard in the modern pâtisserie," according to The New Taste of Chocolate.

At the turn of the 20th century, chocolate was still a luxury item, as can be seen by comparing what you could get for 15 cents in 1913 :
German Sweet Chocolate, in 1/4 pound cake, two for 15 cents
Baking Chocolate, 1/2-lb cake, 15 cents
Sweet Mixed Pickles, 1 pint, 15 cents
Sweet Potatoes, 5 pounds for 15 cents

Chocolate Mayonnaise cake was probably created during the Depression for those who couldn't afford to use a lot of eggs, milk and shortening (though goodness knows how they got hold of the cocoa), but it became popular during the Second World War when, no matter how much money you had, if you'd used up your ration coupons for those basic ingredients, you were out of luck.

[1] Heiny's Grocery at 1419 Calhoun Street in Fort Wayne, Indiana. "The Fort Wayne Daily News." Fort Wayne, Indiana. Tuesday, 23 December 1913. 
Literature & Lore


PUT half a pound of nice brown sugar into a quart of flour, sift it, and make it into a paste, with four ounces of butter melted in as much milk as will wet it; knead it till light, roll it tolerably thin, cut it in strips an inch wide, and just long enough to lay in a plate; bake them on a griddle, put them in the plate in rows to checker each other, and serve them to eat with chocolate.

In 1828 Conrad Van Houten of the Netherlands made a mechanical extraction method for taking away the fat from cacao liquor resulting in cacao butter and the mostly de-fatted cacao. It was a compacted mass of solids that could be sold as it was "rock cacao" or ground into powder. The processes made chocolate from an luxury to an cheap daily snack. A process for making smoother chocolate called conching was made in 1879 by Swiss Rodolphe and made it easier to bake with chocolate as it "amalgamates smoothly and completely with cake batters." Until 1890 to 1900 chocolate recipes were mostly for drinks. In the U.S., chocolate decadence cakes were popular in the 1980s; in the 1990s, single-serve chocolate cakes with liquid chocolate centers were popular.

Chocolate Cakes Recipes Recipe For Carrot Banana Vanilla Sponge Carrot Fruit Cake Photos
Chocolate Cakes Recipes Recipe For Carrot Banana Vanilla Sponge Carrot Fruit Cake Photos
Chocolate Cakes Recipes Recipe For Carrot Banana Vanilla Sponge Carrot Fruit Cake Photos
Chocolate Cakes Recipes Recipe For Carrot Banana Vanilla Sponge Carrot Fruit Cake Photos
Chocolate Cakes Recipes Recipe For Carrot Banana Vanilla Sponge Carrot Fruit Cake Photos
Chocolate Cakes Recipes Recipe For Carrot Banana Vanilla Sponge Carrot Fruit Cake Photos
Chocolate Cakes Recipes Recipe For Carrot Banana Vanilla Sponge Carrot Fruit Cake Photos
Chocolate Cakes Recipes Recipe For Carrot Banana Vanilla Sponge Carrot Fruit Cake Photos
Chocolate Cakes Recipes Recipe For Carrot Banana Vanilla Sponge Carrot Fruit Cake Photos
Chocolate Cakes Recipes Recipe For Carrot Banana Vanilla Sponge Carrot Fruit Cake Photos
Chocolate Cakes Recipes Recipe For Carrot Banana Vanilla Sponge Carrot Fruit Cake Photos

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